Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stuart Brown says play is more than fun

A great talk about how play is necessary for our everyday lives and the lack of play starves us creatively.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quick update

It's been ten months since the announcement of the demise of Collideascope Digital Productions Inc. Technically, the company is still around as we wind it down and take care of final accounting, asset allocation, all that corporate jazz... Anyhow, in the wake of the quiet and dignified passing (not the spectacular failure that many had falsely predicted for so many years) of Collideascope, something had to happen, didn't it? After all, though CDP was successful and everything, it wasn't successful enough to let us saunter into the sunset for time immemorial.

So, it's with very little fanfare at this point that I will let slip the news of Neato Entertainment.

Neato is my little chunk of What M-A Is Up To, post-Collideascope. It will occupy the 4th floor, as Collideascope did. It will have the yellow walls, as Collideascope did. It will just focus on things that are smaller than what Collideascope did.

Anyhow, no new email. No new website. No new business cards as of yet. I'll post here when it becomes something more than just a name I'm doing new work under. Just thought that anyone who follows this thing might like to know.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

M-A is up to new things

There is a neato new project a-brewing in M-A land. Or rather, a project of projects. Stay tuned. Interesting things might be afoot...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Collideascope T4s

Hi, all. Not sure if anyone is still checking this space out since things have been quiet lately. However, I've gotten several inquiries about Collideascope T4s. They were mailed out last week, so if you don't get yours by next week, email me and I'll check into them for you. Either way, worry not. Collideascope may have closed, but we didn't flame out, so we will meet all of our commitments to that end. I am always available to any of our former employees to contact about such matters.

All the best,